Practice Mindfulness as a part of your daily routine.
You know how mindfulness is often recommended by all sorts of people – doctors, self-help experts, writers? They suggest it can help us improve our mental well-being. Mostly, they talk about its long-term benefits, like becoming more aware and present. But guess what? Mindfulness can also come in handy when we’re dealing with immediate emotional challenges. Let’s take a closer look at how this works.
We all have those moments when negative emotions come knocking. It’s human nature to try and fight them off or bury them deep down. It’s as if we’re turning our backs on them, hoping they’ll lose their power over us. But this usually backfires, leaving us feeling even more stressed or upset. These emotions just simmer away under the surface or we end up getting frustrated because we can’t beat them.
Mindfulness offers us a different approach. It encourages us to face our emotions head-on. This means really tuning into what we’re feeling and thinking, and simply acknowledging it. So, if you’re stressed, embarrassed, or upset, you just say it: “I’m stressed”, “I’m embarrassed”, or “I’m upset”. There’s no need to feel bad about having these emotions. Just accept that you’re feeling this way at the moment.
We all have our ups and downs. We all get mad or upset from time to time. But if you’re aware of how you’re feeling, you’ll realize your thoughts might not be entirely rational. And remember, emotions are temporary. Sure, you’re angry right now, and everything looks pretty bleak. But give it a few hours, and you’ll likely feel better, seeing the world in a more positive light.
This little shift in perspective can make a big difference. Instead of thinking the world is awful and that’s why you’re upset, you realize you’re upset, and that’s why the world seems awful. The key point here is that you understand this belief isn’t true.
And there’s another bonus. Being mindful of your emotions allows you to do a kind of ‘debrief’. You can think about what triggered your emotions, how you handled them, and how they affected your thoughts and actions.
The more you understand your emotions, the more control you’ll have over them.
Anthony Wilson Hypnotherapy Colchester