Anthony Wilson Hypnotherapy

Find out about Anthony Wilson

Anthony has been within Hypnotherapy for well over quarter of a Century. Anthony qualified as a stress management consultant and a hypnotherapist after 2 years study based in Derby where he obtained a fellowship status.

Following this Anthony took Three years of counselling study at Swansea College under the aegis of Newport University and the B.A.C rules.


Hynotherapy Colchester

Let us introduce our expert Hypnotherapist for Colchester Essex and Suffolk

An expert hypnotherapist all of Colchester Essex and Suffolk.

Following several traumas in his life and being a single parent to two children, he is well placed to offer extended empathy and understanding of clients’ problems.

He has treated thousands of clients from 3-94 years of age and particularly enjoys working with most common phobias and childhood problems.

His enthusiasm for helping thousands of clients to turn their lives around is compelling and obvious to witness.

Anthony is an avid walker and has a great love of Nature. He advocates regular exercise to all his clients and embraces long walks in the beautiful Essex and nearby Suffolk countryside as a member of the Ramblers. He also practices Yoga weekly.

Most sessions undertaken are recorded for a client’s home use in between sessions.

One to one consultations are the norm although Anthony is happy if clients wish to bring a friend or relation into the hypnotherapy consulting rooms for support.

In a radio broadcast, Anthony said that although he was professionally trained as a non-judgemental practitioner, he is proud of his extended empathy and compassion to every client he works with.

Voted among the top 10 Hypnotherapists in Britain by the Independent and the Hypnotherapy Association means you can rest assured that you will receive professional, ethical care and attention.

Member of The Hypnotherapy Association

The Hypnotherapy Association is one of the leading hypnosis organisations supporting hypnotherapists in practice in the UK. Established in 1997 and representing more than four hundred therapists, you can be sure to find a properly qualified hypnotherapist to meet your needs, wherever you are in the UK.

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